When I get busy, which is generally EVERY DAY, I have a hard time coming up with workout routines just off the top of my head.  I LOVE to go to Pinterest for routine ideas, but then I get sucked into the fun holiday boards and well...let's be honest, I head there for the escape of the HUMOR boards for a chuckle and look up 40 minutes later and wonder...what just happened here?!?  But I digress...  my POINT is:  sometimes I just need a quick workout planned by someone else.

Despite my rigorous triathlon training, I STILL struggle with my core strength and getting rid of my "Momma Belly" (ladies with kids, you know the pooch I'm referring to, right?) so I'm trying to add a short ab workout in 5-7 days a week.  For the past week I've been using the FREE version of the Daily Ab Workout on my smartphone.   The video below is a quick overview of what that is.



What I like:


I can see that after about a week, I could stand to do a different routine.  There is a paid version of the app that opens up a lot more options, so I'll be looking into that for the future, but for now, the free version gets the job done and is worth a try.

They have made a series of different Daily Workouts that you can learn more about at Dailyworkoutapps.com.

ry it out and let us know if you liked it in the comments below. 

