Have An Effective Weight Loss Challenge...Support & Accountability!

Have you ever felt that when you were ready to make changes in your life that you suddenly had to be perfect in all those changes, all day, every day?  And that you couldn't possibly make any mistakes or you'd have to start all over again from the very beginnng?  And that thought then lead to other thoughts of wondering "Why start in the first place?' or 'I'm not even going to try anymore.'?  Oh, just me again?  nuts...

It could have a something to do with my touch of perfectionism (stop laughing Valerie) but I've struggled with these thoughts at different times throughout my life.  Sometimes I didn't even realize I was having those thoughts until later.  I can't be the only one... I've seen friends, family and even participants get caught up in their "mistakes" or "circumstances" of life and just flat out give up;  skipping workouts, eating too many sweets, no longer contacting teammates or even bothering to submit points.  I've also seen the flip side of this scenario.

I have watched teams who seem to get the short end of the stick with job loss, floods, injury, car accidents, loss of loved ones and the heartbreak of miscarriage rally together, lift one another up and press forward even when it appeared that there was no possible chance of winning the "Challenge".  When their teammates struggled with motivation and focus they stuck it out and kept moving forward...together!  Life is difficult, change is difficult and it's nice to know that when life is tough, change is still POSSIBLE when you have someone right there with you as a support.  It is not a matter of IF you will fall but WHEN you fall. (too many sweets, emotional eating, skipping workouts, etc)  What will you do?

There is a very good reason why Valerie and I continue to host team/buddy challenges when only hosting individual challenges would make more "business sense".  We have seen time and time again that changes in nutrition/exercise habits are far more effective and long lasting when done with the love and support of others.  We all need someone to offer encouraging words when we are not at our best.  We all need a friend (aka teammate) that will not allow you to wallow in guilt and self-pity, but will lift and build you up!  We need those who will lend a listening ear, a helping hand, share experiences, positvie thoughts and hold you accountable to the goals and aspirations you've made.

The secret to creating this type of team:

You can't wait for someone else to be THAT teammate.  YOU can be that teammate!!  You can be part of the glue that keeps your team moving forward when it seems the odds are stacked against you.  You can be the one to ask the others to join you at the gym or ask how they are doing that day or offer a fun new recipe you've found or inpiring thought or video.  You can be the catalyst for change and growth!  In doing so, you just might find that you too have been uplifted and inspired!

What have you learned as you've participated that has helped create an effective weight loss challenge?

Are you ready to start a team and begin making changes in your life?

Fat is NOT the worst thing you can be
There's an app for that?

What We're Saying

October 18 2016


Transform your lifestyle by creating common-sense healthy habits. Earn points daily for making choices that ultimately improve your health.

Our 8-week challenges provide the friendly competition and accountability you need to make your weight loss journey fun AND effective

We provide the tools and training that you’ll need to succeed - no diet, no fads. Overall wellness is the NUMBER ONE goal at LWC.